General Knowledge: Science And Technology Questions Answer GK Quiz

Science And Technology Question Answer 2025, Science And Technology Quiz Questions 2025

Q. Who was the first Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission?
1) Jawahar Lal Nehru
2) Krishna Menon
3) Homi J. Bhabha
4) Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar

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Q. Consider the following pairs in relation to Chandrayaan Missions.
I.Chandrayaan-1 : Jawahar Point
II.Chandrayaan-2 : Tiranga Point
III . Chandryaan-3: Shivshakti Point
How many pairs given above is I are correct?

1) Only 1
2) Only 2
3) All the 3
4) None of the above

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Q. PM Modi on August 26, 2023, at ISRO headquarters in Bengaluru announced that the point where Chandrayaan-3 landed on the Moon, will be called -
1) 'Shivshakti' point
2) 'Shyama Prasad Mukherji point
3) 'Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Point
4) 'Atal Point'

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Q. Which day will be celebrated as 'National Space Day' in India?
1) July 14
2) August 23
3) October 22
4) November 5

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Q. What is the name of the deep-sea submersible that imploded during an underwater voyage to the Titanic wreckage?
1) Falcon
2) Trident
3) Titan
4) Alvin

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Q. The theory that states "pieces of the Earth's crust are in constant, slow motion driven by move­ment in the mantle" is called -
1) The theory of Pangaea
2) The theory of plate tecto­nics
3) The theory of plate boun­daries
4) The theory of continental drift

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Q. How do vector vaccines work to provide immunity?
1) By directly attacking and destroying pathogens in the body
2) By placing the virus in a modified version of a different virus
3) By entering directly into the cells and enabling them to create spike proteins
4) By introducing a weakened or inactivated virus into the body

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Q. The DNA double helix struc­ture was discovered by -
1) Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
2) Linus Pauling
3) Gregor Mendel
4) James Watson and Francis Crick

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Q. Which of these natural resources is considered as non-renewable resource?
1) Timber
2) Fossil Fuels
3) Solar Energy
4) Wind Energy

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Q. If in a material one dimension is reduced to the Nano range while the other two dimensions remain large, the structure so obtained is known as -
1) Quantum step
2) Quantum well
3) Quantum dot
4) Quantum wire

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