General Knowledge: Chemistry Questions Answer GK Quiz

Chemistry Question Answer 2024, Chemistry Quiz Questions 2024

Q. The atomic mass of an element is equal to the sum of the number of -
1) electrons and protons only
2) protons and neutrons only
3) electrons and neutrons only
4) electrons, protons and neutrons

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Q. Neutrons were discovered by -
1) James Chadwick
2) Ernest Rutherford
3) J. J. Thomson
4) John Dalton

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Q. Vinegar is also known as -
1) Ethanoic acid
2) Nitric acid
3) Sulphuric acid
4) Tartaric acid

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Q. The number of maximum electrons in N Shell is -
1) 2
2) 8
3) 18
4) 32

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Q. Chalk and marble are different forms of -
1) Calcium hydrogen carbonate
2) Calcium carbonate
3) Calcium acetate
4) Sodium carbonate

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Q. Which of the following is an allotrop of the carbon?
I. Buckminsterfullerence
II. Diamond
III. Graphite
The correct code is -

1) Only III
2) Only I and II
3) Only II and III
4) All I, II and III

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Q. Which of the following metal(s) is/are stored under kerosene oil ?
I. Sodium
II. Potassium
III. Magnesium
IV. Calcium
The correct code is -

1) Only I and III
2) Only II and IV
3) Only I and II
4) Only I, II and III

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Q. An indicator is a 'dye' that changes colour when it is put into an acid or a base which of the following is/are indicators?
I. Litmus
II. Methyl Orange
III. Phenolphthalein
IV. Hydrogen Sulphide
The correct code is -

1) Only I, II and III
2) Only l
3) Only I and II
4) Only I, III and IV

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Q. Which of the following is not a chemical reaction?
1) Burning of magnesium ribbon in air
2) Freezing of a lake in winter
3) Ripening of fruits
4) Formation of a precipitate

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Q. Which of the following elements is not a Noble gas?
1) Argon
2) Krypton
3) Radon
4) Actinium

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